Illustration /Labelling /Branding /Typography /Packaging /Graphic Design /Print /

Project info

Billabong is the name of a new craft beer brewery who specialises in using bush tucker in its varieties. Finger Lime and Davidson Plum are the first and already strong signature taste from and growing range. We were commissioned for the logo design and labelling.


  • Product design

  • Branding

  • Labelling

Our role

  • Illustration

  • Layout

  • Copy and Typography


  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Photoshop

  • Hand drawing


Billabong is the indigenous word for water hole… it is a place where nature thrives, from plant to people it is a vital meeting place. Our label design pit forward a feel of the wild countryside with the gum trees and that freshness with the blue billabong in our branding.


  • Graphic Design

  • Packaging

  • Print

Finger Lime_Beer_and_Glass_Transparent_Tall_Layers_web
Header__Billabong_Craft_Beer Set