Illustration / Line drawing / Graphic Design / Digital drawing /

Our role

  • Concept

  • Illustration

  • Print


  • Line Drawing

  • Image artwork

  • Clipping


  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Digital Pen Drawing

Project info

The Australian Entomological Society needed illustrated insects to promote their role in our eco system. the aim was to create artwork to display on their website and also as printed A5 cards. Whilst we delivered a single final set, just below, we explored several options and have decided to display them on this page for the purpose of our portfolio.. enjoy the scroll.

Coloured Clipped Set

This set is our final set, it includes each stage of the Australian Common Gum Tree Shield Bug‘s life cycle: Egg, Nymph and Adult and is depicted over its habitat a eucalyptus tree leaf. Its body is made of shapes clipping a digitally created image.

Black Clipped Set

This set features our clipped illustration set as above but with a dark background which is more suited to digital application where it colours can pop and the black background can relax the eye.

Black and white set

This set features our Gum Shield Bug shape illustration in a simpler manner, which is suited to a younger audience. We imagine applications such as cards game where children try to exercise their memory of shapes and identification.

Line drawing Gum Shield Bug

Finally, whilst developing our ideas, I undertook a rather long line drawing practise, done by hand with a digital pen. Precise, complex and delightful, I worked in this manner on the adult only. For some of these variations, I had imagined application such as depiction in insects glossary cards or as a framed on a busy eclectic wall for nature inclined enthusiasts, for others like the golden one, I had envisaged it being the back a tarot card deck or similar.