Illustration /Vector shapes /Product Design /Graphics /Innovation / Art Deco /

  • Graphic Design

  • Illustration

  • Product Design

Our concept was to deliver Seed Packs to the city dweller via an online business. The artwork must be a new take on what is usually seen.

Our role

  • Concept

  • Branding & layout

  • Artwork


  • Design composition

  • Font

  • Line drawing


  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Digital Pen


Our product being delivered online meant that we no longer needed to consider how a shop would display it, but rather how it would look on a shelf. Could there be a way to make it so cool, people will want to have it exposed in their bookshelves? As we are also targeting city dwellers, possibly in small apartments, we aimed to make our design small, stackable, identifiable from side view and delightful visually.
So… we chose a small but well known existing shapes: matchbooks and matchboxes. From small to big, they offer a cute stackable and multi-angled package. We also loved the idea to make our seeds easy to plant – and know where it was planted – as well as to reduce wastage ( I too often drop too many seeds). For the seeds themselves, we came up with the idea of cardboard sticks with seed paper heads containing one to 1 to 2 seed per. Stick them in the dirt and see what happens… for the forgetful, the variety will be written on the stick.
We found our idea to be innovative and fun and can’t wait to launch it with a seeds company. We like our design based on vector shapes with a wink to the art deco movement. We hope it will inspire people to collect our seed pack and get growing!

Initial response

We really loved the idea of pocket size matchbook with tearable seed sticks. We thought it would be a great range with the matchbox packaging. Although we find the box packaging more suitable for launch, we will keep this sise in mind for a gift set.


Alternative layout & colour

The client demanded two final covers to chose from, one in black and white and one in colour, with a different layout each. Here is the second option, we like as much or better!

Flat Artwork

Our design was created in Illustrator from scratch with simple shapes, gradients and lines. We then applied it to the mock ups displayed above. We also created real size packaging prototype.
Maud Brunelliere
mcmb Designs
These very detailed illustrations turned out as great or better than I expected. With an art deco vintage vibe, I hope it will inspire people to get a few seed varieties and to display them in full view so they remember to plant them as the seasons roll. I love our product design with easy little sticks for the dirt; it’s great to monitor children’s planting and garden novices.